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Frecker Optical is an independent, family owned, IOT Certified optical lab that knows how to make glasses. Our master technicians have been working with glass, digital, specialty & free form lenses for 3 generations.

Managing Expectations: Otherwise known as Under Promise and Over Deliver

Managing Expectations: Otherwise known as “Under Promise and Over Deliver”

There’s a debate raging whether or not it makes good business sense to ‘under promise and over deliver’ in that people don’t overly appreciate when a business delivers more than it promises. However, when it comes to frames and lenses (fit, comfort and clear vision), I beg to differ.

Let me explain. When offering glasses enhancements (light weight frames, tints, coatings, materials new to your patient), its tempting to only exalt all the benefits they can offer while minimizing or ignoring altogether the possible negative aspects. This can do one of two things: set your patients expectations so high it’s likely some aspect will fail; or meet every expectation precisely, resulting in a highly satisfied customer. From my years of experience, I was more likely to achieve the first result than the second. I had to find ways to present enhancements while managing expectations in order to secure a happy patient at dispensing and beyond.  

The best formula turned out to be: explaining benefits first, then educating the patient on possible reasons why they may or may not have optimal results. Having already gone through my “lifestyle checklist” I had a pretty good idea who my patient was and how he/she would use and care for their glasses.

Observing the condition of their current glasses told me a lot. Were the glasses scratched, bent, showed signs of hard use? Or were they well cared for, still in standard alignment, kept in a case, etc? Viewing a patients’ glasses can start a conversation in how well they care for their current glasses and how well they’ll care for frames and lenses that may require even more specific care.

Titanium, flexible, or lightweight frames are worth their price unless your patient’s lifestyle or habits prohibit successful usage. Always explain the essential care in addition to benefits to reduce patient dissatisfaction.

When offering AR coatings to a patient, first explain how it enhances their visual experience. Then, ALWAYS go on to explain, “however, if you clean your glasses like this (demonstrating using a shirt tail to wipe them off) you will eventually ruin your AR coating.” You’ll want to explain how they’d need to alter their current way of doing things, (poor cleaning habits) or you wouldn’t be able to recommend this product for them. Give them time to think about it and decide if that’s something they’re willing to do. Sometimes, they’ll chose not to purchase the additional enhancement. That’s a far better option than selling a product the patient will become disillusioned with, or worse, angry for being sold a ‘bill of goods’ they weren’t suited for.

This technique should be used for any enhancement new to the patient. Going from glass to plastic or high index? Lightness in weight is the benefit, more diligent care in cleaning (to avoid/minimize scratches) is the negative aspect they need to be aware of.

Needing a multifocal for the first time? Explain all the advantages and disadvantages of lined vs progressive lenses; ‘image jump’ for lined multifocals vs pointing your nose at what your looking at to avoid distorted areas for progressives. Having your customer make informed decisions puts them in the drivers seat so there are no surprises later on.

Finally, reiterate everything at dispensing to remind your patient of what expectations they should have. This will give your patient the best chance of having a successful visual experience with their new glasses. You’ll be the “expert” as you predict ahead of time what their challenges will be.  Raising awareness while lowering expectations will help ensure you deliver every promise.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us at Frecker Optical. We’re here to help!

© 2025 - Frecker Optical
7115 Old Trail Rd
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809

Frecker Optical is an independent optical lab serving the Greater Fort Wayne area since 1971. Not in Fort Wayne? That's okay! We can help you too. We work with many optometrists and ophthalmologists across the country. Our vast years of optical lab experience enables us to solve your patients vision challenges. We don't just run computers, we fabricate custom eyewear.

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